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To the Hartford UMC congregation and friends:
With the combined June-July 2012 issue of the newsletter we mark one year of ministry together. The good ministry you shared with Pastor Ron and Jan for 12 years has become our ministry as the Spirit has enabled another faithful transition in our congregation, a Body of Christ who traces its life to gathering as a Methodist Society in 1855. You have welcomed me as your pastor, and warmly received Beverly and our daughters, Sarah and Amanda. At this writing, we are moving Lindsey, our oldest daughter, and Callan, her husband, to Nebraska where she will begin a Ph.D. program in Psychology and Callan will continue his studies at the University of Nebraska. Last year started with their wedding.
I am grateful for the ways you value the pastor in the life of the congregation, and want to re-affirm my value of our partnership in ministry. In the course of a week you relate with hundreds of people, many of whom may not have a church home or know the peace-love-forgiveness that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. I depend on your leadership and wisdom to discern the best ways to respond to the Holy Spirit in our time and place.
A special thanks go to our paid staff. They are dedicated, faithful, loving servants who are open to the Spirit and are just plain hard workers. Thank you, Connie, Jenna, Jeff, Kari, and Justin.
Because of our leaders, one gift of this year has been learning to pace myself differently, allowing recovery from, and renewal for, the ongoing work of ministry. The joy of teaching that is a deep and abiding gift from my dad, mom and sister has found expression in the adult Sunday School class, Sunday evening DISCIPLE Bible study, our Parenting small group, and leadership development. Praying with and for you has also been a powerful experience of grace. We build upon our spiritual foundation as we joyfully embrace prayer, particularly through our Prayer Chain, and the weekly prayer offered by our men for me and the worship service.
My spiritual momentum and joy in serving with you are to encourage our growth in faith so that we may account for the hope that is in us with gentleness and reverence (1 Peter 3:15). I am encouraged by the enduring strength of your faith in facing hardship in physical, social, economic and spiritual pain. Your creative generosity has brought resources to people in need. And your commitment to mission affirms the world-wide scope of God's redeeming love. So, let's plan on another faithful year together, and seek God's grace in the endings and beginnings of summer.