Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ripples of Joy

In the middle of Black Friday 2006 I offer gratitude for God's blessings through the White Pines congregation.

Last Sunday part of my message highlighted Psalm 126:2-3, "And the other nations said, 'What amazing things the LORD has done for them.' Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!" A theologian I studied wrote this about the verses, "Israel knows what a narrow vision forgets: that good news always creates a ripple of joy beyond the immediate circle of those to whom it is directed. Thus, one must ponder the larger marvel that Israel's confession is an echo of the prior confession of the nations about the great things God has done for Israel."

I then shared these echoes and "ripples of joy" about our congregation:

Broad ripple: spiritual ancestors who felt the joy and wrote, conserved and shared the words in Scripture

Recent ripple: those who dreamed of a new church in the south Rockford area long before any of us were involved

Current ripples:

  • The most successful CROP Walk ever in Belmont
  • A "Healthy Food Drive" in the absence of a coordinator for adopting a Thanksgiving family
  • Six baptisms since Easter and the relationships with families arising from them
  • Creative loving servant leaders, some of whom are new, who sing; play the flute; set up for worship; work the sound board and laptop; re-do web pages; take detailed notes on laptops and Palm Pilots; open their homes for small group meetings; are so inspired at finding a calling they create a Camping Ministry; lead Women of Wisdom and Dads of Destiny; risk becoming Sunday School teachers; compose Children’s Musicals; are Middle High students who make blankets for other kids in need; shape Pastor Chat discussions around Ethics and Values; push for strategic plans and ask where we see ourselves in five years

I recently wrote Advent/Christmas letters to eleven families who have been recent guest in worship. I closed those letters with this statement, "God is doing some wonderfully creative and compassionate things in the White Pines congregation. As we anticipate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ, I invite you to share a journey of discovering God’s gifts, for us and the whole world." I will highlight Advent/Christmas ministries in future posts.

Peace, Pastor Jeff

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