Happy One-Year Anniversary, Wayland UMC! We entered our shared ministry last July. Thank you for welcoming us in many ways and supporting our transition into ministry here. We have lived through one cycle of the Church year and our outstanding Harvest Dinner.
Worship music has been offered by Mitchell Lapham, Mickala Kohtz, Maggie Anderson, Roxie Muczyinski, and our handbell choir, and we have welcomed Somi Yoon and Andria Savara as our regular and substitute pianists. In funeral and memorial services we have celebrated the lives of Effie Greenawalt, David Wood, Edith Clack, Tom Andrews, and Janet Haight.
And how about our motivated Mission Team! Their trip to Red Bird Mission and Henderson Settlement in late April/early May will be followed by a second trip later this year because their dedication and creativity are overflowing.
I have come to see the tradition of Scouting in our congregation. There have been Wayland city celebrations to introduce us to the spirit of our community. And I have experienced challenge and blessing in serving as Chairperson of our West Michigan Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.
In personal ways, this past year has included the death of my dad in January, Beverly's new job in May, and the news that we are expecting our first grandchild in August.
So much fills a year! I find blessing in reflection and am grateful for the many dedicated leaders in our congregation.
Together we continue seeking to reach our 2015 Congregational Goals:
- Worship: Grow to average 100 people in worship.
- Leadership: Increase our church leaders by 10%.
- Discipleship: Have at least 40% of our worshipping congregation involved in small groups for spiritual development.
Finding and maintaining focus on the mission of the Church is an ongoing challenge given the many troubles and distractions that fill our lives. I appreciate our times of worship to be recalled to the Center of our life, Jesus Christ, and sent forth to extend Christ's outreaching love in the world.
As we enter our second year, I want to deepen my understanding of the character of our congregation and how we can best move forward in ministry.
In their book, Grace for the Journey: Practices and Possibilities for In-Between Times, George and Beverly Thompson offer these questions for reflecting on congregational life:
As we enter our second year, I want to deepen my understanding of the character of our congregation and how we can best move forward in ministry.
In their book, Grace for the Journey: Practices and Possibilities for In-Between Times, George and Beverly Thompson offer these questions for reflecting on congregational life:
- Remembering your entire experience at this church, when were you most alive, most motivated, and most excited about your involvement? What made it exciting? Who else was involved? What happened? What was your part? Describe how you felt.
- What do you value most about our church? What are its best features?
- What three wishes do you have for the future of our church?
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